Flight and gift vouchers can be purchased online from the menu above.
Alternatively, you can contact our reservations team
on 1300 FLY HOT.
We look forward to hearing from you!
The Gold Coast is one of the only locations in the world where flights are scheduled all year round. So any day is a good day to fly!
If your balloon flight is cancelled by us due to unsuitable weather conditions we let you know, then you are welcome to re-book anytime within a 12 month period. We confirm all our flights the night before around 7pm.
Balloon flights take place at sunrise on the Gold Coast as this is when the weather conditions are at their most stable. Ideal conditions for ballooning consist of light winds and cool, calm atmospheric conditions.
Hot air ballooning is one of the safest forms of aviation in Australia. Go Ballooning.com boasts the Gold Coast’s most experienced operator and we simply will not fly if the conditions are not safe to do so. We are governed by CASA (Civil Aviation Safety Authority) the same as Qantas or Virgin Australia and fly strictly to the guidelines set down by them.
Our flights vary between 30 and 60 minutes with an average flight time of 45 minutes. The total time you are with us on the morning of your flight is approximately 4 hours. This includes a flight briefing from your pilot, completing some paperwork, travelling to and from the launch and landing sites in one of our shuttle buses and the 5 Star Buffet breakfast at the Sheraton afterwards.
Balloons are incredibly versatile, so on the morning of your flight you might find yourself flying anywhere between tree top height and up to 7.5 thousand feet.